Freedom vs Liberation: The story of a Political Dilemma

When was the last time you saw the trace of a civilian liberty in Gaza? How would you define the term 'liberty' when there is no such thing in the history of a nation? What effects and affects can follow a destructive series of an external attack? One cannot get rid of hundreds of such questions when he/she travels through the ever ending news pieces of the prolonged Israel-Gaza conflict. It is not just a happening in one of the world nations. But it is a terrifying strategic shift of a group of 'citizens with hearts burning with fire of rage and aggression'.

Height of terror: A view of Israeli attack from Gaza strip

From the point where the very first human being tasted the forbidden fruit, the whole of the conflicts forming in the universe had two parts: the all powerful dominant existence and the part that struggles for minimum existence. When a man becomes enemy to another man/woman, the circle of conflict doesn't stretch much. But when it comes to a battle between two nations, the vicious circle extends to a vast area focussing on conflicts between ideologies, cultures, attitudes, authorities, governance principles and so on. The presence of a third force in the role of a mediator pre-supposes the chance for reasonable compromise from any of the two sides. Sometimes the mediation engulfs both the nations within a hidden agenda.

Gaza, a region of Palestine, on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea, has been subject to a kind of continuous authoritarian harassment by the neighbouring nation Israel since 8th July 2014 in the name of a 'borderless murder of three Israeli teenagers' by Hamas, a palestinian Islamic organisation. The operation series titled as protective Edge, initiated by Israel has crossed a shocking death toll of about 2100 and also caused around 10,500 casualties. It is not a surprising information when it happens to be a fact that the Israel Defence Minister, Deputy Defence Minister and many others have higher holds in opinion formation and decision making than that of President and other superiors authorities. Being the third attack by Israel upon Gaza in six years, the UN discussion benches and the so-called global peace makers pretends to be dumb and deaf, sharing a submissive attitude towards the US hidden agendas of monetory as well as political desires. 

What did my child do to you? 

As a journalism aspirant, I am afraid that I don't feel anything good in focussing on the death toll and opinion-competitions of these conflict zones in the global sphere. Rather than making each of these terrifying moments as news-celebrations, we ought to have a highly political debate on what are the ideological intricacies that prepares such nations for fierce long battles in the name of dominance, possession and revenge. And what does it mean when we utter the word 'freedom'? It is not merely the space for free life, speech etc, but it also encompasses that right to dream freely of a peaceful co-existence and the provision for kick starting initiatives as stepping stones to that dream. 

The dead-end of peaceful moments

If you can dream of yourself, you are not in taboos. If your neighbours can dream about you, then your nation is free. Break the shackles of cliche political controversies and wake up to a new dream of continuing renaissace. Have the sense of sensibility and work out your ideas of a political conscience in the huge canvas of not worldly pleasures, but of the fine art of social and political responsibilities.


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